new car
Need some help trying to convince the group why being a clown car is the perfect costume? To begin explain that there are so many different modes of transportation for large groups: buses, limos, mini vans, flinstone cars, oversized trucks, trains, even bicycles for four. But clowns know that there is nothing like the feeling of being packed in a car like sardines. People piled up, lap on lap, pushing on bladders to the point where they are going to burst. What is the reason for this phenomonem? The sensation and emotions that are crated by being so close together is hard to replace. An opportunity for experiencing what its like to be crammed together is one that should not be passed over.
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car

new car

new car
new car

new car

new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car

new car
new car
new car

new car
new car

new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car

new car

new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car

new car

new car

new car

new car
new car
new car
new car
new car
new car

new car

new car

new car

new car

new car